Pravrtti and Nivrtti Karma-kanda of the Vedas contain both pravrttiand nivrtti. Pravrtti means a positive action with a new accomplishment in view. Nivrtti means restraint from action. When the Veda says, “Perform a ritual called… read more →
Svarupa – The True Nature The Atman has two natures – Sopadhika Rupa and Nirupadhika Rupa. Rupa means nature. Upadhi means an external factor whose attributes are superimposed on the… read more →
In our understanding, the universe is divided into three parts. The first part is myself. It is the part of the universe that I identify with, which includes my body, mind, senses etc.… read more →
Isvara in Good and Evil The universe consists of both good and evil. There are many good things happening in the universe. There is love, service, charity, knowledge and so… read more →