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About Vibhu Foundation

Vibhu Foundation is a charitable institution founded in 2017 with the philanthropic objective of propagating spiritual wisdom.

The foundation runs a centre at Sanjaynagar, Bengaluru. We conduct regular classes, talks and satsangas on Bhagavadgita, Upanishads, Bhagavatam and other texts of Vedanta. Sanskrit classes for beginners and advanced students are conducted at the centre. In addition to the activities at the centre, we conduct classes at various parts of the city. Our activities include spiritual retreats, seminars, publication of books, workshops and celebration of special occasions like Guru Purnima, Yoga Day etc. The foundation also extends its support to various philanthropic activities.

Vedanta is a time-tested wisdom revealed in our ancient texts. In spite of all forms of advancements in the material realm, the human mind continues to suffer from the universal problems of depression, anxiety, stress and so on. The ancient wisdom of Vedanta has a permanent solution to these problems. The unique objective of Vibhu Foundation is to propagate the vision of Vedanta in its pristine traditional form.

The main objectives of Vibhu Foundation

  • To propagate the traditional teaching of Advaita Vedanta through regular classes on Vedanta.
  • To train young brahmacharis in the traditional scriptures and thereby preserve the Guru Parampara – an unbroken lineage of traditional teachers.
  • To promote Sanskrit language and its usage among people.
  • To revive and propagate the Study of Vedas.
  • To revive Vedic lifestyle and practices.
  • To promote traditional practices like Puja, Sandhyavandana, chanting of Stotras etc. among the people.
  • To bring about reformation in the education system by incorporating Vedic values and Sanskrit learning.
  • To conduct research on our traditional scriptures and practices
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