Gita Jayanti Celebration 2024

Vibhu Foundation celebrated Gita Jayanti today (11th Dec. 2024) with Sampoorna Gita Parayana at the Gayatri Parishath. It was well attended by students and non-students alike. The program started sharp at 9:00 a.m.
The Hall reverberated with the sound of the shlokas being chanted aloud by everyone under the able guidance of our poojya Swamiji – creating a vibrant, charged atmosphere! Each chapter ended with an Aarti. The Parayana ended shortly before noon with a small pooja after the completion of all the 18 chapters of the Bhagvad Gita. People showed their reverence to the Guru and took his blessings and Prasada before dispersal.
This evening, instead of the regular class, Swamiji had chosen 3 speakers to speak about the essence of Bhagvad Gita:
1) Mr. Swaminathan – He spoke about the “Sadhya-Sadhak” relationship and the two fold sadhana of “Karma & Gyana” in the attainment of Moksha.
2) Smt. Sushma Bhargav – She spoke on “Karma Yoga” and its importance in attaining “Ishwara-Jeeva Yog”.
3) Brahmacharini Gitanjali – spoke about the “Purpose of the Bhagvad Gita and its relevance in Modern Life”.
Finally Swamiji concluded the session by bringing our attention to the fact that Bhagvad Gita is not just a Moksha Shashtra – instead it is a book that teaches us how to live life. It is for personality development and self-improvement. It has all the values that make a healthy society. Therefore it needs to be taught at the school level.
The Bhagvad Gita has statements for all levels of spiritual journey – from the beginner to the sanyasi! The sadhana is as per one’s temperament & the stage of spiritual development. Hence it is universal and the greatest well wisher of everyone!